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Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015: A Year of Joy

When I realized that 2014 had culminated in success, and that I finally trusted God? I was overJOYed!

And, as I look back on 2015, Joy was such a fitting word. Not because everything was perfect, but because my God was and is perfect and He doesn't need me to be perfect. I even won a book called "Breaking Up With Perfect" from Amy Carroll!! I learned so much about Grace. That was my second word for the year, really. It still is. Grace is AMAZING! If you didn't get to read my post about it, here's a link on OneWord365. And here's the second one on grace.

My joy comes from the place of security inside knowing that I'm redeemed. That God's grace came to Earth (not on December 25, but that doesn't negate His coming) one time, lived for 33 years here, then died and rose again. And with His rising came the glorious hope that was foretold ever since the first time sin entered the world.

JOY to the World, the Lord has come.
Let Earth receive her King.
Let every heart prepare Him room.

And Heaven and Nature sing, and Heaven and Nature sing, and Heaven, and Heaven and Nature sing!

I weekly blog over at and participate in the Five Minute Friday linkup over at because it's the most wonderful community!
One of our prompts this year was JOY. Here's that post.

Thank you for joining me on my journey.

As I nudge the passing of time into another year, my new word is HUMBLE. And it's a word that God's been leading me to for a while. I've already had to learn some big lessons. It seems that the fall is always my trying season, and my place of great growth. This year was no different. I've been broken and humbled and He's not done, but it's making me such a better representative of Him!

That's all for now!