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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Things are happening...

Wow. All you have to do is step out in faith and things start to happen!
Already this year, I'm praying more, getting up earlier, and hearing confirmation of the thoughts God's putting into my head from other people, devotionals, etc!

One exciting opportunity was to begin writing as a "regular contributor" on the new website, Brave Girl Community.
I started with my first entry on "trust"
Here's the link:

And, those thoughts tied into the Unveiled Wife discussion on day 8 of "Wife After God" on a Facebook group event going through her amazing book of the same name.

"Realize that your spouse, your children, their performance will never fill you and your disappointment of unmet expectations will further your emptiness. Only God can fill the longings for acceptance that daily hit us like hunger pains!" - Tammy Belau
 Sunday, I even wrote a song (not a new experience for me, I've been writing songs for a while) and I've recorded it. It's not a polished recording as I just recorded it about an hour after writing it and hadn't memorized my own words and music yet. God has been teaching me that it's about Him.

To God be the glory. That's it. We're not humans as much as we're mini-me representations of the Almighty. "Made in His image."

Why do we exist? To bring Him glory. To lead others to know what peace is found in His presence when we are TRUSTING Him.

So, here's the rough link to the song. I'll stop apologizing. I don't mess up that badly, I'm just having to let go of my standard of perfection and start being real.
This song isn't about how great or not great Tammy performs's about living for God's glory and doing things so He gets the credit!
